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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Portable Chair

When you are looking for a portable outdoor chair, which chairs come to your mind? Usually you would not even think of bringing one to the outdoor, wouldn't you? But sometimes you can benefit greatly from bringing a chair along.

For example, you go visit a beautiful place with nice sceneries. You could use a portable chair to sit down and enjoy the view even more. Why stand up the whole time? Your legs will have to give in to tiredness and fatigue after some time. Make the experience more long lasting by using a portable chair.

Portable chairs are often lightweight

This is why you can transport them around your house. They usually weigh under 30 lbs and are made from steel or wood. If it is the latter, it is even lighter.

How much does it cost?

Typically, you could find them to be in between $30 to $60, not including shipping. But if you want extra features, they will cost more, but it still won't exceed the $100 mark in most cases.

Other useful features

If your back is constantly in pain, you should buy a portable chair than can be reclined. This can be achieved by tilting to the back.

You could also purchase longer models which come with a leg rest. Extend your legs together with a head rest on top for maximum comfort.

Should you test it?

Yes. If possible, restrain yourself from buying online. The shipping cost always almost reaches the actual price of the portable chair. Instead, buy it at your local furniture store. Besides, you can try it for free before buying it.

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