" " " Strathwood Falkner: July 2010 "

Thursday, July 29, 2010

You Can Choose a Great Teak Lounge Chair!

If you are a lover of the out-of-doors you no doubt like to just sit at times, relax and contemplate in the stillness -- and there's nothing better for just sitting and thinking than a good teak lounge chair. Over time, your lounge chair will become almost a best friend to you -- providing comfort, strength and stability in this hectic world of ours.

One type of Teak lounge chair that you will see advertised more than any other is a steamer chair. These chairs were first used on board ocean-going steam liners. People would use these chairs to get some sunshine and warmth while sitting on board the deck of these ships. Steamer lounge chairs have a "slotted" design which maximizes comfort but without adding unnecessary weight.

Steamer chairs typically include a section that pulls out or slides out from underneath the seat to provide ample leg rest. These types of chairs are wonderful to keep near your pool or Jacuzzi as well, as teak wood is naturally resistant to the effects of wood rot.

A gorgeous set of teak lounge chairs can be purchased from the Strathwood company. This company also makes other types of teak furniture such as bar tables, dining room tables and chairs etc. Currently you can purchase a set of two lounge armchairs for around $100 retail -- and that's a tremendous value in teak furniture!

On the more unusual side, you might want to look into purchasing a lounge chair built for two. This double chase lounge chair is made of 100% teak wood and is roomy enough to comfortably fit two average-sized adults lying next to each other. This lounge chair comes complete with a set of padded cushions, and also features a small table that slides out from underneath, to provide you with a place to hold a radio or your favorite beverage.

I don't know if you are like me, but when I am relaxing I like to be really comfortable -- and this means a chair that is roomy enough (wide enough!) and which is also equipped with really thick, comfy cushions. Often times chairs with really thin cushions will seem comfortable at first, but will become really uncomfortable after sitting in them for a while. I recommend that whenever possible you purchase a lounge chair with the thickest possible cushion that is available for them. And as you will be using your teak lounge chair outdoors (primarily) make sure that the cushioned fabric and filling material is waterproof, in case you accidentally leave it outside in the rain.

One of the downsides of traditional teak lounge chairs is that they tend to be lightweight, portable folding chairs. Is while this has its advantages, you might want to give some consideration to purchasing a non-folding chair for your outdoor recreations. The advantage of these chairs is that, not being folding chairs, they can be constructed with thicker pieces of wood which will be less likely to break or splinter, and which will provide more secure support for someone who is heavier.

Speaking of heavier, more durable outdoor furniture -- perhaps the granddaddy of them all is the Adirondack chair. Originally designed to be useful to people living in mountainous regions, you can purchase teak furniture in an Adirondack style -- and some designs even include a foot rest. Adirondack-style chairs tend to be well-built, but they are generally quite heavy -- not the kind of chair that you would want to move around very often. Give me my Adirondack chair with some cushions, a good book and a drink to keep me cool and I'm set for the afternoon!

And while they are not strictly a lounge chair, I think I should also mention another great chair that you can use out of doors: a rocking chair. Many people would not think of using a rocking chair outside, and yet in rural areas they are very common -- you will see them on many porches and in many backyards. And yes, you can purchase rocking chairs made from teak wood just like many other chair designs. A teak rocking chair is great for just whiling away the hours outdoors -- and if you've got kids, you'll find that they just can't resist rocking in a rocking chair.

Well, these are just some of my thoughts and recommendations on choosing -- and enjoying -- a lounge chair outside. I hope you found it interesting and informative, and that like me, you too will come to enjoy the simple pleasures of sitting outside.

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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Add a Touch of Class With a Garden Hose Pot

Each and every spring, homeowners will pull out the trusty old garden hose to use throughout another long summer. It is definitely one piece of equipment that any green yard or garden cannot do without.

The problem that arises in many cases is: just where do you store your 50 or 100 foot hose?

Those that are organized and respect the investment they have made in this trusty spring and summer device will probably have a sturdy hose reel placed next to the house so that it can be stored easily between uses.

For those that are looking for a more decorative method for storage, consider investing in a garden hose pot.

When researching the kinds of hose pots that are available commercially, you most likely will find that they can be made from a variety of materials. Copper garden hose pots are popular, but many cheaper models today are made of weather resistant fiberglass.

A good hose pot can usually store more than 100 feet of hose. On the side of the unit is a hole, which allows for a continuous connection to a faucet or spigot.

Like the garden hose reel, the garden hose pot sits on the ground, and can be partially hidden if so desired. They are especially useful for those homeowners that have an outdoor pool.

There are many varieties of pots available today. It is important to choose one that fits the outside look of your home.

For example, brick homeowners can easily choose a boldly colored one, such as burgundy or blue to compliment the outside appearance of their home.

Other models are made of decorative stonework or terra cotta to give the home or pool area a more classy or traditional look. If ceramic is your favorite, you'll have no problem finding a ceramic hose pot in many colors to match that will match the exterior of your home.

Surprise your neighbors this year and add a touch of class to your home this summer by storing your hose in a garden hose pot.

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Chocolate - The Secret Health Food

Have you heard? Chocolate isn't the bad guy anymore! Sure, too much of even a good thing can become a bad thing, but when eaten in moderation, chocolate actually has a number of healthy benefits.

Made from the cacao bean, chocolate has vegetable origins-- which means it contains some of the same health benefits as dark vegetables. The bean in its natural state contains flavonoids, an antioxidant, which helps protect the body against free radicals that can cause heart disease and other symptoms of aging. In fact, chocolate contains many different antioxidants, more than eight times the number of antioxidants found in strawberries. Just imagine the number of antioxidants in a chocolate-covered strawberry!

In addition to protecting against heart disease, flavonoids also help reduce blood pressure through the production of nitric oxide. It has also been shown that dark chocolate can reduce LDL, or bad cholesterol, by as much as ten percent.

Chocolate also contains three different kinds of fat, two of which are actually good for you! Like olive oil, chocolate contains oleic acid, which is a healthy monosaturated fat. The stearic acid found in chocolate is a form of saturated fat, but has not been shown to have an effect on cholesterol. Palmitic acid is the only bad fat found in chocolate, but it can raise cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. So only one-third of the fats in chocolate have a negative health effect.

In addition to physical benefits, chocolate also offers plenty of emotional benefits. It helps the body produce endorphins, which stimulate a feeling of pleasure and well-being. It contains the hormone, serotonin, which helps reduce the symptoms of depression. It also contains the chemical theobromine, caffeine, and other natural stimulants.

One of the best ways to enjoy the healthy benefits of chocolate is to eat it in as pure a form as possible. This means enjoying the darkest chocolate you can find with a cacao content of at least sixty-five percent. It's also best to skip any nougat or caramel fillings, as these add enough fat and calories to wipe out the health benefits of the chocolate itself.

And remember, studies have shown that about 3.5 ounces of dark chocolate per day (or about half a bar) is sufficient to attain the health benefits. More than that, and you'll likely be adding unnecessary fat and calories to your diet. But when eaten in moderation, chocolate can be enjoyed as one of life's healthy pleasures.

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Patio Furniture Cushions to Fulfill Your Desire

Nowadays, with the advent of low-cost solutions for every desire under the sun, you can indulge anyway you want: including on a thousand varieties of outdoor patio furniture cushions. Gone is the day when the end of a cushion was the end of your outdoor chairs for good. On the Internet and even through some of your local channels such as Bed, Bath, and Beyond, you will more than likely be able to find exactly what you need to replace your weathered items.

Makers such as Strathwood and Oxford Garden have put out a wide array of possibilities for you when your current outdoor patio furniture cushions go bad, whether it be through mildew (the most common offender) or maybe the dog has simply torn things to bits. Oh those puppies! And you no longer need to buy an entire set or even a whole new wicker chair get-up in order to restore your deck or patio to its prior beauty. You can just buy the cushion, alone.

A long, lazy recliner chair for your patio will eventually need a chaise cushion to replace whatever old thing you've got on there now. Or maybe the chair originally came with no cushion whatsoever. In this case the chaise cushion will give great support to your back and will make for more comfortable time spent reading the Sunday paper or your favorite spy thriller while the birds and squirrels chirp on by you. Don't for get the iced tea! Or, my favorite: an Arnold Palmer!

These outdoor patio furniture cushions can be had in navy blue, natural, "hunter", paprika, black, and several other colors. So the only question remains: what would go well with your house and the play of nature such as trees and lawn surrounding the setup. The sky is truly the limit.

No one is asking you to give an arm and a leg. You might have to give up say $60 for a nice chaise cushion. And you will also want to inspect the degree of weatherproof protection that you are getting with whatever product you choose to buy.

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Friday, July 9, 2010

Expats in Spain and the Cost of Banking

If you decide to go and live Spain you will need to open a Bank Account over there.

As in the UK there are different types of bank accounts. If you have got a Halifax account in the UK then retain it and open one with the Halifax in Spain. All transfers each way are free.

In Spain cash tends to be king. So, you can expect to pay for the privilege of holding credit or debit cards, maybe 1 euro per card per month. Pay in a Spanish cheque and you will pay perhaps 1 euro for that transaction. Transferring money usually costs you, and you might pay 1 - 3 euros per transaction, depending on whether you do it over the Internet or at the bank. And as if it wasn`t bad enough having to pay out for individual items a lot of banks will charge a flat rate fee just for handling your account. This could work out at around 20 euros a year. Negotiating might get some fees reduced.

Basically, for virtually every transaction you will have to pay. Some charges can often be minimize by keeping a certain amount in your account.

Like most things in life it`s worth shopping around and getting the account that is right for you. You could even end up with several bank accounts held at different banks.

Apart from the Spanish banks there are also a number of foreign ones to choose from, including Deutsche Bank, Barclays, Citibank and others those of us in the UK are familiar with. But don`t think that the banks out in Spain are just foreign extensions of their UK counterparts, they are most definitely not.

If you can make any sense of their likely charges that will help when deciding to set your account(s) up, but unlike in the UK clarity isn`t one of their strong points.

You can get a cheque book in Spain but the Spanish prefer to do transactions in cash or credit card. If you visit a bank in Spain then be prepared to have to queue for an hour to get served, as the staff tend to chat on the phone (both mobile and landline) drink tea/coffee, talk to their workmates and until recently, smoke whilst serving you. Internet banking is starting to become more popular, which takes the tedium out of having to go to the branch.

The interest on your savings is low, usually about 1.5% and remember they charge for having an account with them. You can withdraw cash from the cash machines outside of the bank, but take care as robbery and copying of PIN numbers is unfortunately quite common.

Our Current account and Savings account are the opposite over there, so if you open an account make sure it`s what you want. Your passport is essential for opening an account and the paperwork can take about 45 minutes to complete.

The banks open around 8.30 a.m and close at 2 p.m. although in the summer they may open an hour or two at night. When transferring money (usually over £5000) there are several money companies that will do this for you at a better rate than a holidaymaker gets and with no commission. To make comparisons, get a quote from your own bank first (who will always charge a commission from £25-£70 and give a lower exchange rate) but it is a guide.

Finally, avoid going into the red if at all possible. In Spain they are notorious for their high charges for normal day to day transactions. Go overdrawn and you will pay dearly for it. the penalties can be very heavy. Whilst it might not affect too many British out there I do feel sorry for the Spanish who may be unemployed at this time. The banks can and will penalize those unfortunate enough to miss payments, which just makes their already difficult lives even worse, and puts them further in to debt.

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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Methods of Relaxation

Every organism aims to be in a balanced state of happiness and satiation. For humans especially, relaxation is a necessary part of life; without it, our lives would be empty and shorter. It is up to the individual to decide what kind of relaxation is best for them.

The easiest way to relax can be to just sit on a nice bench and think. When you are sitting down, all your responsibilities seem to drift away and you can think about whatever you want. You can also lie down, which makes life physically and mentally equally good.

It is possible to be productive and relax at the same time. This can be achieved by taking up a hobby of some sort, which has a physical output as opposed to something just mental.

The term "relax" brings to mind a state of relative inactivity, but you can relax by playing physical games or sports. No matter what your build is, there is a sport out there for everybody.

Whenever you are sitting around or doing work, one can easily incorporate music in to whatever they are doing. Music naturally relaxes people, although all individuals have their own favorite pieces of work.

A consistent amount of exercise will keep you in a relaxed state almost permanently. There are dozens of ways to exercise, including getting out of the house and going for a short run or jog.

Meditation is a practice that has been around for thousands of years and is famous for promoting relaxation. While the ultimate goal is universal enlightenment, regular people can practice meditation solely for the benefits of relaxation. It can take time to become adept at meditating, but the rewards are definitely worth it.

By making relaxation a part of your life, you ensure that you will be a happy person. Try different relaxation techniques frequently to expand your mental palette.

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